On Summer Solstice Road
This full-length collection of poems is rooted in mid-twentieth century America and expands from that era of disruption and exploration. Over half a century later upheaval and terror are still watchwords in society. This poetry strives to balance stories of evolution, redemption and hope. This book incorporates a full multimedia experience with QR Codes that link selected poems to poetry-films which can be played back on a smartphone or tablet.
In This Hour
In this collection of poetry, Sandra Sloss Giedeman writes about growing up in St. Louis and the Midwest, painting word portraits of the steel mill town where she grew up and the people who lived and worked there. Alongside stunning verbal images of the California landscape, particularly southern California where she’s lived her whole adult life, she also writes about loss, grief and growing up Catholic in a large family. This collection of 51 beautiful poems will take you on an emotional tour of the country as seen through the eyes of this profound poet.

Really Truly
Renowned poet Holly Prado shares intimate and touching autobiographical vignettes sure to delight long-time fans as well as new readers.Rim of the World Highway
The numinous world of spirit combined with nature and childhood are evocatively woven into this debut collection by Margaret Drewry Walsh. Keenly perceptive, Walsh writes poems that are full of insights and intuitions. Whether writing of her native South or of Southern California where she has spent her adult life, in her poetic landscape, there is mystery and memory, praise and laments, and a deep connection to the divine.
blissbody: Adventures in Tantra
A psychosexual spiritual romp. When Leela suddenly finds herself mid-life without a career, a boyfriend, or a clue, she travels to India and begins studying under the elegant and charismatic Mevlana, a female tantra master, under whose guidance Leela learns the secrets of love, sex, attraction, and intimacy.
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