Will you tell us about your upcoming book?
Although I’ve been writing for many, many years and have had my work published in various journals and magazines, Rim of the World Highway is my first book. It is a compilation of some of my older poems mixed in with more recent poetry and is divided into three sections. The first section contains largely my most current work. Section two is a series of snake poems. Snakes are prevalent in the South where I grew up and prevalent here in Southern California. As I battled to become more comfortable in their presence especially while hiking, I found them making their way into my poetry. And section three was originally a chapbook entitled Beach Town, which centers on my Southern roots.
What inspired you to write it?
Catherine Auman, the publisher of Green Tara Press, deserves the credit for inspiring me to compile my work into a book. Her encouragement has been instrumental in bringing Rim of the World Highway to fruition.
Did you learn anything from writing your book and what was it?
As the poems span many years and the book reflects that, I’ve learned how much I, and I believe “we,” grow and change as writers. Also, I’ve learned to trust the creative process that brought me these poems and to be more welcoming during the writing process. Writing is largely a solitary act, so an important lesson has been the importance of community. We may write in private, but publishing happens as a communal act. I am extremely grateful for the help offered me along this journey.
Is there anything you’d like to say to your readers and fans?
I believe strongly that as the world becomes more complicated, a way we can help steady the chaos is to participate in the creative process, especially through the arts.
If money were not an object, what would you be doing right now?
Hmmm, I’m pretty content where I am right now, here in the mountains of Southern California. But because I write largely about nature, am from the South, and was raised by the bay in a beach town, I bet I’d enjoy having a second home near the water and my Southern family.
© 2016 Catherine Auman